Two Heads KAJLA - Purgatory
KALEE 系列 是由中国玩具设计师Koffee.W(王佐宁)设计的一款Sofubi玩具。其形象设计灵感取自于中国古代神话典籍《山海经》中一怪兽“穷奇”。穷奇是一个浑身长满了刺的牛, 但是经过Koffee的重新设计,它就变成了一只长着牛角的刺猬。
本次发售的是变异形态双头怪兽 KAJLA (炼狱配色)由Koffee.W亲自涂装。仅限量发行15体。如有任何问题,可以私信或邮件[email protected](中国地区用户可联系WECHAT: geekatoys进行咨询与购买)
KALEE is a Sofubi Toy designed by Koffee.W (Wang Zuoning), Toy designer based in China. The toy's design inspiration is from an ancient Chinese monster called 'QiongQi'. 'QiongQi" is a creature from Mount Qui and resemble an Ox with quils of a hedgehog.But after Koffee's design, this scary monster turned into an adorable and handsome one.
The Two Heads KAJLA - Purgatory is painted by Koffee.W. Only 15 sets are for sale. If you have any questions, you can email [email protected]. (For fans in China, you can contact WECHAT: geekatoys ) I'll reply you soon.
Material: vinyl
Price: 200USD
Limited: 15 Sets